Winter Pest Outlook for South Portland

With summer a distant memory and winter on the horizon, it’s time to put away warm-weather toys and focus on the fun winter activities we get to enjoy here in Portland. One of the best things about residing in our region is our access to all four seasons.

However, as much as we love our weather here, each season brings its own challenges. For example, while we can say goodbye to the summer pests, like mosquitos, we now must concern ourselves with the prospect of mice, squirrels, and other rodents making themselves at home by our fires.

Unfortunately, it can sometimes be difficult to determine exactly which pest is making itself at home in your space. To make this deamination, you must first learn more about the signs of an infestation, what activity you might see with each, and where you might see evidence of a problem.

Dealing with a House Mouse Infestation

Due to the declining temperatures outdoors, you are most likely going to see a house mouse infestation during the fall and winter months. Often, these pests are quiet, and you might not notice an issue at first.

Unfortunately, these pests can have some serious consequences on the health of your family if you don’t treat the issue quickly. A few of the issues you might experience include:

Illnesses are caused by viruses and bacteria carried by the mice.

Property damage due to mice chewing on wires and other elements in the home.

Spoiled and ruined food due to dining habits.

The best way to deal with these types of infestations is to eliminate the mice from your home and seal up any point of entry to prevent future infestations.

Things to Do During a Norway Rat Invasion

Similar to mice, Norway Rats tend to seek indoor shelter during the colder months of the year. They also have the ability to transfer dangerous diseases to both humans and pets and can cause damage to your home.

One interesting fact about these pests is that they tend to thrive in areas that are heavily populated by humans because they have a knack for blending in with their surroundings. Here are a few of the places you might expect to see Norway Rats:

Some of the things you can do to protect your home from these pests are to ensure all trash is cleaned up properly, woodpiles are stored away from your home, and trashcans are sealed and cleaned regularly. You may have a Norway Rat infestation if you start seeing left behind droppings, chewed on food boxes and items around your home, and noises within your walls.

Signs of Indian Giant Squirrel Issues

When the local squirrel population becomes too large, these creatures tend to expand inside homes in the area. For this reason, it’s a good idea to watch for signs of an infestation and seek professional assistance if you begin noticing issues.

Most of the signs of a potential squirrel issue will start outside your home. For example, you may begin to see several squirrels in your yard or on nearby utility poles or even on your roof. Hollow openings in tree trunks, nests, and chew marks on young trees are also signs of a potential squirrel concern.

If the issue becomes more involved, homeowners typically begin noticing signs inside the home. Here are some of the things you may notice when a squirrel family moves inside your home:

If you notice any of these signs, you should talk to a professional immediately.

Luckily, we have just the tools and treatment methods available to keep your home free of these nuisances this winter season. With our expert guidance, you will learn not only what type of pest you are dealing with, but the best methods of treating the infestation and how to avoid a reoccurrence in the future.