Why You Should Try Wake Surfing

Just about everyone on the planet has heard of surfing. It is an ancient art that can trace its origins back to the Polynesians. Today, there are many forms of surfing as well as many competitions to go along with the sport. One of the newer types of surfing that is currently taking the world by storm is called wake surfing.

What is Wake Surfing?

Wake surfing is quite different from traditional surfing. In a way, it is similar to the sport of wakeboarding, but there are several differences. A wake surfer will start out being pulled by a boat. At a certain speed, the surfer will then release the rope and begin surfing on the wake being created by the boat in front of them.

One of the best things about this type of wave is that the boat will actually create a wake that is similar to a wave that is created by the ocean itself. This is a fantastic alternative to surfing, especially for those who do not have access to the actual ocean.

What are the Benefits of Wake Surfing?

As before mentioned, wake surfing is available to anyone. Whether you are wake surfing on the ocean or in a landlocked lake, getting the feel of surfing is a possibility. However, there are some great benefits to those who do have access to the ocean.

For starters, when you wake surf, you will be able to surf for a much longer period of time. With traditional surfing, you are at the mercy of the wave. Eventually, the wave will reach the shore, and you will be forced to find a new one. However, with wake surfing, this is not something that is an issue. Instead, you can follow the boat for as long as you wish without the need to paddle to a new location to find a new wave.

Another benefit of this sport is that you can always have waves available. Surfers will travel the globe looking for their next big wave. However, with wakeboarding, the wave is created whenever you are ready to surf. This makes surfing convenient and constant. No longer is there a fear that you will miss the next big wave.

How long have I been Missing out?

If you haven't already picked up wake surfing, you will be saddened to learn that you have actually been missing out for quite some time. It's hard to pinpoint the exact moment that it became popular, but you can find people experimenting with the sport as far back as the 1950s and 60s. The sport itself really began to take off during the late 80s and 90s, mainly due to the ability that boats had to make larger wakes.

Today, companies are actually making boards that are designed for wake surfing. When the sport was first created, surfers would simply use traditional surfboards. However, in 1997 a patent was given for the first wake surf. Along with specific boards for the sport, boat companies are now beginning to make specialized boats to go along with wake surfing as well.

Getting Started

The first thing you need to do when you are deciding to take up wake surfing is to learn more about the types of boats you can use. It is important to note that it is not advisable to surf behind every kind of boat. The best boats to use are inboard V-drive or direct drive boats. This means that the propellers are under the boat, which can help keep you safe. You will also want to get a prop for your boat that is specific for wake surfing or boarding.

When it comes to producing the best wake, this depends on the way your boat is weighted. The wake is created when the boat moves through the water, and the weight of the boat will affect the type of wake that is produced. Generally, if you want a long wake, the weight should be placed in the back. For a short wake, the weight should be in the front. When looking to increase the size of the wake, you will need to add weight to one side of the boat or another.

Choosing the right board is the next step in this process. The boards that are designed for this sport are a cross between a surfboard and a wakeboard. There are many types of boards to choose from, and most major brands carry wake surfing boards. You should also invest in wake surf rope rather than use another kind of rope. Not using the rope properly could result in injury.

Finally, you should learn the best way to ride a wake. Boats will typically be placed at around 10 miles per hour. Professional wake surfers will maximize their ride at approximately 12 miles per hour. However, it is best to start out at a slower speed until you get more familiar with the sport.

As you advance through your wake surfing knowledge, you will learn that there are many tricks you can perform. Some of the most popular are pumping, spray, posing, cutbacks and lipslide. These tricks make the sport even more exciting and exhilarating to try.

If you haven't already gotten into the sport of wake surfing and love to surf, now is the best time to give it a try. With all the amazing advancements going on with the equipment, techniques and styles of this sport, you will not be disappointed when you do.Â