Keeping your Pets Safe During Winter

It's that time of year when we are all ready to snuggle up by the fire under some warm blankets. Snow may already be on the ground in your area, but if you haven't seen any just yet, it's on the way. While you are busy making sure that you and your children are appropriately bundled up for the cold months of winter, there is another family member you should focus on at the same time; your pets.

While taking care of your pet throughout the year is essential, it is especially important during winter. Here are some things you can do to keep your pets safe while still allowing them to enjoy the winter weather at the same time.

Keep them Hydrated

The heat of summer may have vanished, but you still need to be aware of your pets' water intake. During the winter, you may even need to pay closer attention to their access to water because it tends to freeze if left outside for too long. If possible, keep water available for your pet inside so they can drink it in comfort.

When traveling with your pet, make sure you bring along some bottled water for them to enjoy. This will ensure your furry children always have access to clean water regardless of how long your trip is. Dehydration is something that could result from not following this advice. If your pet becomes dehydrated, it is possible for them to have trouble staying healthy. Since this is challenging during the winter, to begin with, dehydration could make it even more likely that they become ill.

Keep them Inside

As much as possible, you should try to keep your pets inside during the winter. Naturally, you will still want to take them out to use the bathroom and for some fun in the snow, but you should minimize this as much as possible.

When you do take your pets outdoors, prepare for the trip carefully. Remember, their paws are tender and will become cold very quickly when they are walking around. For this reason, it is best to invest in some pet shoes that will protect their feet while they are outdoors. To keep them warm, you may even want to have them wear a jacket or a sweater that is designed for their size and breed of animal.

Many animals don't enjoy playing in the snow, but others find it fabulous. If you have a dog that loves to frolic in the snow, make sure you take some precautions. Keep them away from frozen over lakes where they could slip and fall or where the ice could break underneath them. You should also avoid allowing them to stay out for an extended period.

For the Snow Lovers

While most pets prefer staying indoors during the winter, there are some breeds of animals, specifically dogs, which truly thrive during the winter. For example, dogs like Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes and several other breeds were bred to live in colder environments. Even though they may love staying outside, there are still some things you should do to keep them more comfortable.

For starters, look at their coat. Most of these animals grow a thicker coat during the winter and shed it during the summer. To help keep them comfortable, you will want to brush them out regularly. During the summer, this will help remove the excess hair and make them tolerate the heat better. During the winter, brushing them often will help keep their hair from matting and becoming uncomfortable.

You should also spend some time making sure their doghouse or kennel is free from needed repairs. This will help make sure that they are not subjected to the wind and weather when it is extreme. It's also best to provide your animals with insulated dog houses and fill them with a wool blanket and straw. You can even add a small light bulb to the top of the inside of the doghouse to provide extra heat.

The Young and the Old

There are plenty of supplies available that will allow you to take your pet outdoors or even keep them there during the winter, if desired. However, these items were designed with healthy, adult animals in mind. It was not the intent that these products be used for extremely young animals or elderly ones.

It is always best to keep extremely young pets as well as the elderly inside as much as possible. When you do take them out, it should be limited to bathroom time. Protecting them from the cold during these short ventures should also be a priority.

During these cold winter months, it may be more challenging to keep up the health of your pets, especially when they are young or old. For this reason, you should talk to your vet about some additional supplements that may be helpful for your pets. This could be needed to keep them happy, healthy and comfortable throughout the winter months.

Taking care of our pets is essential. However, it is even more critical when they are in danger of becoming injured or sick due to the weather. By taking these precautions, you will be able to still enjoy the winter months with your pets while keeping them safe and sound at the same time. Doing so will help you enjoy your pets for many years to come.