Keeping Your Fitness Goals Through the Heat of Summer

Summer is a great time to enjoy the outdoors. One of the best things about this time of year is that there are many activities to choose from and many ways you can reach your fitness goals. For example, you can enjoy cycling, running, swimming, golfing and several other outdoor activities.

However, summer can also be a stressful time to keep up with your fitness goals because of the heat. Understanding more about the weather and how you can beat it is the best way to make sure you can reach your goals and continue to work out. Here is some information that will help.

Be Prepared

Start by always being prepared for the heat. Take extra water with you so you will always have enough to stay hydrated. Also, consider the clothing you plan to wear. You should always wear clothing that is light-colored and light-weight. This can help you keep your sweat down, which could keep you from overheating.

You should also have a way to cool yourself down periodically while you are working out. This could help you avoid developing symptoms of heat stroke. If you do find yourself becoming too overheated, stop working out and watch for signs you need medical attention.

Protect Yourself

When you are working outside to reach your fitness goals; it is essential to protect yourself. For starters, watch for problem signs, like muscle cramps, dizziness, low blood pressure, vision problems and fatigue. If you do notice any of these symptoms, it is vital that you try to lower your body temperature and get hydrated.

Start by drinking water and removing extra clothing. Applying wet towels to your skin or sitting in a cool bath or shower can also help lower your temperature. If you do not see a decrease in your temperature within 30 minutes, you will need to contact your doctor.

Know When it is Too Hot

You should also take some time to learn precisely when it is too hot to work out. While sweating is a great way to lose weight, Keri Peterson, M.D., says, "Although hotter temperatures can help you warm up faster, the health risks far outweigh that little benefit."

For example, your blood will move from your muscles to your skin in an attempt to cool it. This could cause you to become light-headed because your heart rate will increase, and your blood pressure will drop. Along with making you feel nauseous, a temperature increase could cause you to have a seizure, heart problems or even a heat stroke.

Unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult to determine precisely when it is too hot. To resolve this, keep an eye on heat warnings in your area as well as the heat index. This information could help you determine when it is too hot to work out.

Head Indoors

Even if it is too hot to work out outdoors, there are ways to keep your fitness goals. For example, you can take your workout indoors instead. Joining a gym or completing home workouts are great options. You can also still get your workout in by starting earlier than you usually would. This can help you beat the heat and even enjoy some time outdoors before the full heat of the day sets in.

Keeping your fitness goals during the heat of summer is challenging. However, when you understand how your body reacts to the temperature and how you should respond to it, you can keep up with your fitness goals and stay safe while working out. Be sure to keep this information in mind when you are working out during the hottest months of summer. Not only will it help you stay safe, but it can help you reach your goals as well.Â